Work Simulated Factory 1.0
The Work Simulated Factory is a tool designed by ISS to help train new hires in manufacturing facilities. The simulated factory is used to train operators on the proper techniques for manually starting nuts and bolts, as well as the proper techniques for operating DC tools.
The simulated factory is used to properly train operators to read and follow operator instruction sheets (OIS).
The simulated factory utilizes a multi-station work area cart to simulate the manufacturing environment. Proprietary software is used to simulate line speed, station position, and fault reports for the operators and trainers.
The simulated factory has been proven to be a valuable tool for new hire training, as well as a refresher course for seasoned employees.
The simulated factory can be customized to meet your specific manufacturing process simulation.

Work Simulated Factory 2.0
Developed in 2024 using affordable off-the-shelf products and loaded with ISS proprietary training software, this new version of the product fulfills many of the same training needs as the original Work Simulated Factory (WSF) but with newer touch screen capabilities and content configurable by trainers.

WSF training software was primarily designed to interface and teach use of DC tools in a practical environment. However, this training platform is flexible enough that other aspects of training could be supported with custom software development.
This self-contained training unit:
- Used as a desktop Kiosk.
- Can be mounted to multiple surfaces.
- Can be configured for Wi-Fi.
- Has multiple LAN connections for interfacing to DC tools and/or Local networks.
- Has 6 USB ports available for thumb drive software updates and optional devices, such as Stack Lights, Push Buttons, and Hand Scanners.
- Two HDMI ports are available for multiple video screens.
- Requires 120 V, outlets, for CPU and monitor(s).
- Training software is run within a browser in Kiosk Mode.